Building a Professional Profile

Building a Professional Profile

Landing your first job is the most challenging first step in building your career. An impressive professional profile is your first best impression in front of a potential employer. It’s about switching our view from a Bio-Data based approach to a more socially aware...

A minute a day.

Daily one minute reminder series during Ramadan. Members of TLM will produce a video everyday under the Light upon Light team to encourage and enlighter fellow students and wider muslim community across the globe.  Day 1 Atheef Abdul Rahiman North Bay | Malappuram Day...
Steady in Turbulence

Steady in Turbulence

Light upon Light sessions are back. First of the Quarterly enlightening sessions are planned for coming Monday 6th April 9PM. Please join Atheef Abdul Rahman for an uplifting discussion on Steady in Turbulence – how to succeed in troubling times. Please play the...